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  • Reducing Recidivism and Lowering Corrections Costs0

    • January 13, 2009

    In Colorado, recidivism is defined as “a return to prison for either new criminal activity or technical violation of parole, probation or non-departmental community placement within three years of release.” Recidivism is also a major factor in the decades worth of massive growth in the state’s prison population that taxpayers are obligated to pay for.

  • Smoke ’em if You Got ’em, It’s for the Children0

    • January 6, 2009

    In 2004, Coloradans overwhelmingly passed Amendment 35, a tobacco tax that helps expand state-funded health care for the working poor, the uninsured and children.

    Amendment 35 also funds professional busybodies who use tax dollars to try and get people to quit smoking.

  • Downzoning Denver0

    • August 25, 2008

    August 21st and 25th – Downzoning Denver Why do the Denver city central planners hate senior fellow Mike Krause’s property rights so much they want to downzone his entire Berkeley neighborhood — so that no one can ever add value to their property through redevelopment? For answers to that question and more tune in to

  • Regime Watch: The “Green” 2008 Summer Games0

    • August 20, 2008

    Run Time: 0:11:55 MP3 8/20/08 Amy Oliver and senior fellow Mike Krause discuss the complete farce the so called “green” Olympics have been in Beijing. Not to mention the tremendous human rights violations China has perpetrated that has been curiously overlooked. What kinds of rights violating policies did China implement to prepare for the games

  • Tibet Isn’t the Only Captive Nation in Beijing’s Empire0

    • June 2, 2008

    The international attention being focused on China’s thuggish military occupation of Tibet in the run up to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing is well-deserved, but it should be remembered that Tibetans are by no means the only group in western China living under the heel of the Beijing imperialists.

    The Mongol people of Inner Mongolia and the Uighers (pronounced “wee-gurs”) of China’s Xinjiang region are also oppressed by Beijing. But unlike the Tibetans, they have neither a Dalai Lama nor sympathetic celebrities to present their problems on a world stage.

  • Both Ways Beijing0

    • May 14, 2008

    Here’s how “both ways” Beijing works: First, China’s communist government vigorously pursues the 2008 Summer Olympics, and the International Olympic Committee makes the horrid decision to grant Beijing the games. Then when the regime’s domestic and world-wide thuggery–such as its brutal military occupation of Tibet, or its complicity in the ongoing genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan– gets put under some scrutiny, Beijing cries foul and whines that the games should not be politicized.