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  • Stop being tax chumps — switch to consumption-based taxation0

    • April 26, 2006

    Are you getting a tax refund this year? Actually, nobody is, since a refund is what you get when a product or service does not work as promised.

  • Throwing Away Money0

    • April 14, 2006

    After several decades of an ambitious incarceration campaign, Colorado’s booming prison population has run headlong into the fact that the state can spend only so much on corrections.

    Simply put, Colorado faces a prison spending meltdown. This leaves taxpayers with the option of either paying for a hugely expensive long-term prison expansion project, or demanding that lawmakers make sentencing changes to slow the growth of the prison population a main public policy goal.

  • Colorado’s silly seat belt bill0

    • April 2, 2006

    In the book “Go Directly to Jail: The Criminalization of Almost Everything,” author James V. DeLong writes, “When the government criminalizes almost everything, it also trivializes the very concept of criminality.”

  • Colorado Prison Spending Meltdown0

    • March 23, 2006

    Run Time: 0:10:45 MP3 3/23/06 Should Colorado embark on a massive prison expansion campaign or can the state slow the growth of the prison population through sentencing law changes? Jon Caldara interviews Director of the Justice Policy Initiative Mike Krause. Jon Caldara Justice Policy

  • Drug War Trumps Port Safety0

    • March 12, 2006

    The top objective of the U.S. Coast Guard’s anti-terrorism strategy is to protect what’s called the “U.S. Maritime Domain,” including American ports.

    But it is hard to take seriously the idea that ports are being effectively protected when the Coast Guard spent more tax dollars last year fighting the war on drugs than has been spent in total on port security since Sept. 11, 2001.

  • “Just Say No!” To federal drug money targeting your kids0

    • February 16, 2006

    So the government can have its war on drugs, Coloradoans have had to suspend miles of skepticism towards the expansion of state power on behalf of Washington D.C.

    The latest federal desire is to drug test Colorado school kids in return for federal tax dollars. It is hard to imagine a better opportunity to “just say no” to federal bribes to Colorado in return for doing the federal government’s drug war dirty work.