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HCPC_logoThe Health Care Policy Center’s focus is on public policy that safeguards consumers’ ability to determine their own choices about their own health care and the care of their families. HCPC fights the expansion of government directed health care that infringes upon individual choice. Director Linda Gorman has earned a reputation as one of the nation’s leading experts in free market health care issues.

Latest Posts

  • What Have They Been Smoking?0

    Background: Amendment 35 would raise the state tax on cigarettes and tobacco products. The money would be redirected to groups working to expand enrollment in Medicaid and CHP, to anti-tobacco programs, and to community health centers.

  • What Have They Been Smoking0

    Background: Amendment 35 would raise the state tax on cigarettes and tobacco products. The money would be redirected to groups working to expand enrollment in Medicaid and CHP, to anti-tobacco programs, and to community health centers. The statements in bold are from the Citizens for a Healthier Colorado Amendment 35 backgrounder, published in September 2004

  • Tobacco Tax Follies0

    Amendment 35 imposes a 320 percent increase in state taxes on a pack of cigarettes. In what should be a clear warning to anyone who cares about good government, it simultaneously zaps TABOR restrictions and prohibits the legislature from overseeing how the money is spent.

  • Tobacco Tax Follies0

    Amendment 35 imposes a 320 percent increase in state taxes on a pack of cigarettes. In what should be a clear warning to anyone who cares about good government, it simultaneously zaps TABOR restrictions and prohibits the legislature from overseeing how the money is spent. nbsp; Along with gutting legislative oversight, the Amendment guarantees that

  • Amendment 35 Taxing Tobacco Users to Fund Special Interests0

    Proponents of the Tobacco Tax initiative claim that increasing taxes on tobacco products will improve health care for children, help smokers by making them quit, and help taxpayers by making smokers pay for the extra health care that their habit makes them consume. These claims are grossly misleading. At bottom, Amendment 35 is a reverse Robin Hood, an attempt to take money from the relatively poor for the benefit of the relatively rich who populate a handful of special interest groups. The Amendment frees spending by these groups from both TABOR and normal legislative oversight, requires that spending levels increase in a fashion reminiscent of Amendment 23, and gives them eternal control of the new tax revenues.

  • School of Jocks0

    I was nine years old the first time I heard of the University of Colorado. That year, CU was the best collegiate football team in the country, and thats all that was important.

    Fourteen years later on the other side of the country, the citizens of Raleigh are breathing a sigh of reliefMike Krzyzewski is going to be on the sidelines for Duke next year after all. This means that Duke can remain as one of the best collegiate basketball programs in the country, which is important.



Linda Gorman, Director, Health Care Policy Center
Email: Linda@i2i.org
Phone: 303-279-6536, ext 107
