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HCPC_logoThe Health Care Policy Center’s focus is on public policy that safeguards consumers’ ability to determine their own choices about their own health care and the care of their families. HCPC fights the expansion of government directed health care that infringes upon individual choice. Director Linda Gorman has earned a reputation as one of the nation’s leading experts in free market health care issues.

Latest Posts

  • Politicians Cannot “Guarantee” Health Care0

    Politicians cannot guarantee health care, but by trying they can create an unaccountable and toxic insurance monopoly. So beware of Colorado House Bill 1273, which will be heard by the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee on March 18. The Rocky Mountain News described this so-called “Colorado Guaranteed Healthcare Act” as a “Canadian-style, single-payer” bill. A recent survey finds that nearly one in four state House members advocate single-payer health care. Their support of such politically-controlled medicine is appalling.

  • House Bill 09-1293: Tax Sick People to Create a Hospital Slush Fund0

    Note: the Fiscal note numbers referenced in this bill are from the March 18, 2009 Fiscal Note. The bill language refers to the unofficial preamended version of the bill as of March 20, 2009. For the purposes of this analysis, the main difference between the preamended version and the introduced version is that the limits of the buy-in program for the disabled were increased from 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level to 450 percent of the Federal Poverty Level.

  • HB 1256 Would Aid Health Coverage0

    olorado House Bill 1256 would bring affordable insurance to thousands of Coloradans by allowing them to buy less-expensive policies available in other states (Health Care, Feb. 19).

  • National Puppet Masters Pull Strings for Local Health Reform Groups0

    Ever wonder why health care “reforms” that have failed everywhere they’ve been tried still get attention?

    Follow the money.

    The annual “grassroots” Health Care Day of Action will take place on the Colorado state capitol steps on March 9. This year’s slogan is “demand healthcare reform” because “economic recovery begins with healthcare reform.” The Obama administration is using the same slogan, suggestion that these grassroots are pretty shallow.

  • Rationing Care: Oregon Changes Its Priorities0

    To our knowledge, the Oregon Health Plan is the first government health care program anywhere in the world that has drawn up a formal procedure for rationing. After comment from interested parties, this state health program for low-income people ranks treatment for various diseases and conditions, currently from 1 to 680, in order of priority. The health care dollars available determine which priorities are met. As program costs have grown, the list of covered procedures has become shorter.

  • Rationing Care: Oregon Changes Its Priorities0

    To our knowledge, the Oregon Health Plan is the first government health care program anywhere in the world that has drawn up a formal procedure for rationing. After comment from interested parties, this state health program for low-income people ranks treatment for various diseases and conditions, currently from 1 to 680, in order of priority. The health care dollars available determine which priorities are met. As program costs have grown, the list of covered procedures has become shorter.



Linda Gorman, Director, Health Care Policy Center
Email: Linda@i2i.org
Phone: 303-279-6536, ext 107
