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HCPC_logoThe Health Care Policy Center’s focus is on public policy that safeguards consumers’ ability to determine their own choices about their own health care and the care of their families. HCPC fights the expansion of government directed health care that infringes upon individual choice. Director Linda Gorman has earned a reputation as one of the nation’s leading experts in free market health care issues.

Latest Posts

  • Why We're 'Crazy' About Health Care Choice0

    Sentinel Editor Dave Perry dismisses the Colorado Right to Health Care Choice Initiative as “crazy” and says its supporters “clearly have lost” their minds (Opinion, January 21).

    The Initiative would prohibit Colorado government from requiring you to purchase health insurance.

  • Health Insurers' 'Sins' Don’t Justify Reform0

    Are health insurance companies evil? A web search for the phrase turns up almost a million hits. The common reasons for this passionate indictment are insurance company profits, denial of claims, and rescission of policies. But these do not justify the Democrats’ goal of expanding political control of health insurance. Rather, they call attention to existing controls that unfairly advantage insurers and limit competition that would keep insurers honest. They also suggest government’s failure to enforce contracts

  • Why You Should Hate Insurance Companies: No, It's Not Profit.0

    Is the for-profit insurance industry a “predator” that “prevent[s] us from having a decent health care system”? Letter writer Bruce Robinson says so (Daily Camera, December 1). He’s partially right. The real predators are politicians who inhibit needed health policy reform. But insurers are guilty for concealing how they benefit from Congress’s predatory practices, which shield them from competition and accountability to patients.

  • Market Driven Health Care Saves Lives0

    Connor was so sick when my wife and I took him to the emergency room; lethargic and unresponsive. I remember someone saying it looked like [type 1] diabetes. We knew nothing about diabetes or the implications. We knew how bad it looked. As parents, we worried about worst-case scenarios.

  • Bizarro Health Care ‘Reform’: Expect Less, Pay More0

    Expect less, pay more. It’s not the slogan for some “Bizarro World” Target store in a comic book; it’s an accurate slogan for congressional Democrats’ health care “reform” proposals. They include a new government-run insurance plan, mandatory insurance, new political controls on insurance, and new taxes.

  • Canadian Company Begins Real U.S. Health Care Reform0

    If you need health care, Rick Baker may be able to save you a lot of money.

    In 2003, Mr. Baker founded Timely Medical Alternatives. It helps Canadians arrange for medical care in the United States. Though Canadian health care is paid for by taxes, waits are long and the system isn’t concerned with minimizing pain and suffering.



Linda Gorman, Director, Health Care Policy Center
Email: Linda@i2i.org
Phone: 303-279-6536, ext 107
