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HCPC_logoThe Health Care Policy Center’s focus is on public policy that safeguards consumers’ ability to determine their own choices about their own health care and the care of their families. HCPC fights the expansion of government directed health care that infringes upon individual choice. Director Linda Gorman has earned a reputation as one of the nation’s leading experts in free market health care issues.

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  • Health care “reform” barely reduces government deficit0

    Proponents of the health control legislation, HR 3590, claimed it would reduce the federal deficit.  First of all, this desirable if government cuts spending.  In any case, Veronique de Rugy at the Mercatus Center shows that the health care bill’s deficit reduction is tiny:

    The above chart by Mercatus Center senior research fellow, Veronique de Rugy […]

  • No equal access with Germany’s “universal” health care0

    Many people support government-controlled health care because they think it will provide everyone with equal access to medical treatment, regardless of their ability to pay. Ronald Bachman of the Georgia Public Policy Foundation recently visited Germany with other health care policy wonks from the U.S. to learn about the health care in Germany. He reports […]

  • HSA health insurer shuts down because of ObamaCare0

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    The hotly debated healthcare reform bill signed into law in March has killed a local insurance company.
    At least that’s according to a brief letter Richmond-based […]



Linda Gorman, Director, Health Care Policy Center
Email: Linda@i2i.org
Phone: 303-279-6536, ext 107
