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  • Poverty, equality, and the free-market0

    • August 29, 2011

    “If left wing political theory is true, we should expect to see huge inequalities in the ownership of goods sold in the market, but fairly equal consumption in health care & education. But there’s the irony. The exact opposite of this prediction has been borne out!’

  • Canada: the soul-destroying search for a family doctor0

    • August 26, 2011

    Journalist Gloria Galloway relates her exhausting search for a family doctor in Ottawa, Canada. Colorado also has a shortage of primary care docs. Will the woes of Canadian patients come to Colorado?

  • Create jobs by repealing ObamaCare0

    • August 24, 2011

    Repeal of ObamaCare would probably do wonders to spur hiring, especially for permanent positions. Compensation for such jobs usually includes a benefits package with health care insurance, as well as a money wage or salary.

  • If Social Security were run like Medicare0

    • August 23, 2011

    Those who oppose changing Medicare into a voucher program for “private” insurance should support running Social Security like today’s Medicare: authorities would assign housing to seniors and “pick up government-approved groceries for little or no money.”

  • Colorado Democrats celebrate socialized birth control & breast pumps0

    • August 22, 2011

    The Health & Human Services’ mandate on all new health plans (“insurance”) to cover breast pumps and birth control is just one example of how the 2010 health control act turns insurance companies into a vehicle for socialized medicine.

  • Health “reform” will increase spending0

    • August 18, 2011

    “The report by the Medicare Office of the Actuary estimated that health spending will grow by an average of 5.8 percent a year through 2020, compared to 5.7 percent without the health overhaul. “