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  • State-run insurance exchange enables federal control of Coloradans’ insurance0

    • April 25, 2011

    “ObamaCare is unpopular, unwieldy, expensive, arguably unconstitutional, and a prime target for repeal. It requires the states to do much of the federal government’s dirty work. Right now, the federal government is paying states $1 million to plan health insurance exchanges designed limit the kinds of health insurance policies available to state residents.”

  • Senate Bill 11-200: The Colorado Health Benefit Exchange0

    • April 3, 2011

    Colo. SB 11-200 “proposes to create an unaccountable bureaucracy.” “The [Exchange] Board could … support legislation compelling exchange membership, payment of its fees/taxes on health insurance. … the bill allows the Exchange Board to create a monopoly insurance broker w/ unlimited taxing power. “

  • Pick winner in the “Worst of ObamaCare” tournament at RealMarchMadness.org0

    • March 25, 2011

    [H]elp us determine which [part of ObamaCare is] most odious. Fill out the brackets below just as you would a basketball tournament bracket — choose which of the two “contestants” in each”game” you believe to be worse than its “competitor.” As you move through the brackets, you’ll eventually determine which of ObamaCare’s elements is the worst of all.

  • Amendment 63's Foes Only Want You for Your Body0

    • October 27, 2010

    by Brian Schwartz Should Colorado mandate that each car owner buy a comprehensive lifetime vehicle warranty? By the logic of a common argument against Colorado Amendment 63 and for mandatory medical insurance, the answer is “Yes.” Mandatory insurance treats your body as a means to political ends, rather than respecting your rights as an individual.

  • DC Unions Bankroll Colorado Campaign Against Health Care Choice0

    • October 19, 2010

    By Linda Gorman People who need to spend $100,000 to interpret 90 words of a ballot initiative, that the Blue Book interprets for free, shouldn’t have much credibility when it comes to controlling health care costs. That’s how much the campaign against the health care choice amendment, Amendment 63, spent on fancy campaign consultants. The

  • Amendment 63 vs. The Unlicensed Vampire Alarmists0

    • October 19, 2010

    Does the Colorado Constitution guarantee the rights of violent criminals to be armed in prison or when released on parole? You might think so if you believe criticisms of Amendment 63. Amendment 63 would prohibit the state from forcing you to buy a politician-approved health plan and protect your right to pay for medical care