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  • How to Insure Americans who have Pre-Existing Conditions0

    • February 25, 2011

    Published in Pajamas Media: People with pre-existing conditions deserve better than ObamaCare’s price controls. Free market reforms can provide it. Like a hammer that sees every problem as a nail, many politicians think the solution to every problem is legislation that erodes our liberties.

  • Amendment 63 vs. cost-shift hypocrisy0

    • October 31, 2010

    Huffington Post: Want to be taxed $5 to save just $1? Expect this kind of health care “reform” from those claiming to protect you from what’s called the “uninsured cost-shift.”. Supporters of mandatory insurance only claim to oppose cost-shifting. In practice, they support policies that, like mandatory insurance, add to the very cost-shifting they claim to object to.

  • Amendment 63′s Foes Only Want You for Your Body0

    • October 26, 2010

    Huffington Post: Should Colorado mandate that each car owner buy a comprehensive lifetime vehicle warranty? By the logic of a common argument against Colorado Amendment 63 and for mandatory medical insurance, the answer is “Yes.” Mandatory insurance treats your body as a means to political ends, rather than respecting your rights as an individual. An editorial in […]

  • Amendment 63 vs. the Unlicensed Vampire Alarmists0

    • October 20, 2010

    Huffington Post: Does the Colorado Constitution guarantee the rights of violent criminals to be armed in prison or when released on parole? You might think so if you believe criticisms of Amendment 63. Amendment 63 would prohibit the state from forcing you to buy a politician-approved health plan and protect your right to pay for medical care […]

  • Amendment 63: freedom is too “haphazard” for Bell Policy Center0

    • October 11, 2010

    Huffington Post: Bob Semro of the Bell Policy Center writes that Amendment 63 would “move Colorado to a less protected, more haphazard health care system where people pay directly for services rather than having health insurance.” In other words, he doesn’t like when people have the freedom to be paying customers.

  • Colorado Amendment 63: refuting the “cost-shift” & other flawed opposition0

    • October 6, 2010

    Boulder Daily Camera: Health care needs real reform, but mandatory insurance does the opposite by entrenching the worst of current policies. It bans affordable insurance, increases costs, and further extends insurers’ government-granted privileges at patients’ expense.