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  • Medicare-negotiated prices lead to shortage of prescription drugs0

    • January 21, 2007

    The latest fairy tale floating out of Washington claims that the federal government will do a better job than the private sector in negotiating low prices for Medicare drugs. Backers rely on the Costco Fallacy to support their case. It asserts that big buyers always get the best prices.

  • Government Negotiated Prices Creates Drug Shortage0

    • January 10, 2007

    The latest fairy tale floating out of Washington claims that the federal government will do a better job than the private sector in negotiating low prices for Medicare drugs. Backers rely on the Costco Fallacy to support their case. It asserts that big buyers always get the best prices.

  • The Uninsured Crowd the Emergency Room and Other Health Care Fairy Tales0

    • September 7, 2006

    People who want to expand government health care programs love to tell stories. An ancient fairytale currently climbing back to the top of the charts goes something like this: People who lack health insurance have no access to primary care. Because they have no access to primary care, their health problems go untreated. Minor problems become serious ones and people end up in the emergency room (ER). This costs money. You should pay more taxes so that we can save money by expanding Medicaid. Then people will have access to primary care, their minor problems will be taken care of before they become serious, and we will all save money.

  • Medicare Cap Makes Physician Supply Fall Short0

    • August 1, 2006

    “Hello, I need to see a cardiologist for a heart checkup. I’ve been feeling a little pain in my chest for the past few days. Sometime this week would be the best.”

    “I’m sorry. There is nothing available for the next couple of weeks. How about next month?”

    This can be a common conversation in several Colorado counties, including Baca, Conejos, Custer, Dolores, Jackson, San Juan and Washington. Many rural counties in Colorado are designated as Health Professional Shortage Areas. These local shortages of primary medical care providers are a part of a growing national problem. Indeed, entire states such as California, Arizona, and Wisconsin are suffering from physician workforce shortages.

  • Smoke Easies0

    • March 26, 2006

    The Colorado Legislature just did all us non-smokers a favor: they’ve ended centuries of oppression by the tobacco loving population and made it once again safe for us to practice our natural right to hang out comfortably in every neighborhood pub. It’s right there in the Declaration of Independence: “…and the pursuit of happiness.” I mean, how can I be happy when I’m kept out of the best sports bars by repugnant secondhand smoke?

  • There is no such thing as 'free' health care0

    • February 2, 2006

    I don’t think saying that makes me a jerk. I don’t think that makes me greedy, selfish or lacking in compassion. I think it just makes me honest.

    I don’t mean to get all philosophical, even though working with ideas is an important part of my job. But when you watch what the Colorado legislature is doing, particularly under Democratic control, thinking about ideas becomes really important. Even if it’s not currently fashionable.