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  • Warning: Medicaid is hazardous to your health0

    • August 27, 2007

    Warning: Medicaid is hazardous to your health by Brian T. Schwartz, Ph.D. Colorado’s 208 Commission has released detailed evaluations of its four favored health care reform proposals. The Commission’s goals include improving access, encouraging personal responsibility, and supporting a “financially viable, sustainable and fair” system. Yet these proposals preserve or expand Medicaid, which fails to meet these goals. This is documented in my free-market proposal, FAIR, and “Medicaid’s Unseen Costs,” a Cato Institute policy analysis.

  • Government-run auto repair? Absolutley! Modeled after health-care debacle, some would clean up0

    • August 8, 2007

    “Government-run health care, that’s the model for how to monopolize the auto repair industry.”

    The men in fedoras looked doubtful.

    “Continue,” said the driver through cigar smoke. I had no choice, but, now safely in hiding, I divulge this diabolical plan.

  • Exposing TABOR Data Games: A Second Reply to CBPP0

    • July 14, 2007

    The case against the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) is built on a shaky foundation of misleading data. The latest example of weak arguments comes from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP). October 2006 report is a splendid guide to the art of using an ounce of truth to sell a pound of nonsense.