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  • Oops! No EPA threat over SIP0

    • June 21, 2011

    Lawmakers (including those in leadership on both sides of the aisle), Xcel Energy, environmentalists, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the Public Utilities Commission and any other group that championed Colorado’s needlessly expensive, likely illegal Regional Haze State Implementation Plan (SIP) have A LOT of explaining to do.  We were told repeatedly that if

  • Xcel Energy’s Versatile, Profitable Carbon Tax0

    • May 5, 2011

    To my knowledge, Colorado is the only state in which regulators allow utilities to incorporate a carbon tax into the economic models used to make resource acquisition decisions (see here and here). Ratepayers can’t see it in their monthly bill, but the tax is used in the models, and the models dictate spending. It’s the

  • The Whole, Depressing Truth: HB 12910

    • April 29, 2011

    I travelled to Denver twice in the last 7 days to testify before the Senate State Affairs Committee on HB 1291, Colorado’s State Implementation Plan to meet the Regional Haze provision of the federal Clean Air Act. I told the Committee that HB 1291 is illegal. And I rebutted the distortions peddled by its proponents, who also

  • HB 1291 second reading: snuggies, moderates and the gavel0

    • April 26, 2011

    Great quotes from today’s Senate floor debate on HB 1291, which saw republicans Scott Renfroe, Kevin Lundberg and Shawn Mitchell collaborate with democrat Lois Tochtrop to save money for Xcel ratepayers.  Two pro-consumer amendments that closely mirror SB 236 and SB 237 were defeated. Senator Lois Tochtrop: “I’m buying stock in snuggies because that’s all

  • Lawmakers continue to oblige Xcel Energy0

    • April 26, 2011

    Same story. Different day. Yesterday in Senate State Affairs, democrats Rollie Heath, Bob Bacon and Betty Boyd voted with Xcel Energy and killed two pro-consumer pieces of legislation.  Republican members Bill Cadman and Kevin Grantham sided with ratepayers. Most interesting, Senator Lois Tochtrop (D-Adams County) couldn’t get any support from her own party for SB 236

  • Fat Cats0

    • April 20, 2011

    Wish I had seen this last year when HB 1365, Ritter’s fuel switching bill, was rammed through the state legislature. But it still works for this year in regards to HB 1291.