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  • Solar industry: we still need taxpayers' cash0

    • October 19, 2011

    A new report from the Solar Foundation, a non-profit solar industry advocate, claims the solar industry is a bright spot in an others dreary economy. According to the report titled “National Solar Jobs Census 2011: A Review of the U.S. Solar Workforce” the U.S. now boasts 100,237 solar workers “defined as those workers who spend

  • $8 million jobs blowin' in the wind0

    • October 18, 2011

    A new study of enterprise zones in Illinois reveals that each “wind job cost taxpayers $8 million” according to a press release from Illinois Wind Watch. A review of reports obtained through the Freedom of Information Act show: that wind farms create very few local jobs.  Of the 15 wind farms reported on the IWEA website,

  • Florida's 'fuel mix' a warning to Colorado0

    • October 7, 2011

    Florida has higher electric rates than those of neighboring states because of its reliance on natural gas to generate electric power according to a study released in September. In a September 27, 2011, press release the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) said it requested the study from the Public Utility Research Center (PURC) located at the

  • NREL's Bob Noun ties to Congressman Perlmutter0

    • October 6, 2011

    With this headline — “Golden’s NREL to shed more than 10 percent of workforce” — Golden’s National Renewable Energy Lab made national news on Monday. I’ve been skeptical of NREL spokesman Bob Noun’s “blame Congress” and “Washington gridlock” sob story over a possible 1.5 percent reduction in funding, considering NREL has enjoyed a 63.4 percent increase

  • Making sense of NREL's budget math and job creation0

    • October 6, 2011

    The story surrounding NREL’s possible $8 million reduction in 2012 doesn’t make sense. Is it a “savings” or a “cut”? Does NREL “create” green jobs or not? And NREL spokesman Bob Noun’s comments have not helped to clarify. Consider this story from CBS 4 Denver where Noun was questioned about NREL‘s funding and stimulus money it received: Noun

  • Skeptical of the Big Green Empire0

    • October 3, 2011

    Headline: “Golden’s NREL to shed more than 10 percent of workforce” Denver Post, October 3, 2011 Well maybe. Read my take on the rest of the story. Golden’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL) dreams of a global green empire may have to be scaled back but just a wee bit.  According to the Denver Post‘s