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  • SB 178: sordid tale to increase renewable mandate0

    • April 28, 2012

    “One hundred nine days into a 120-day session you introduced major [energy policy] legislation,” Senator Steve King (R-Grand Junction) skeptically asked of SB 178 sponsor Senator Angela Giron (D-Pueblo). Sen. King’s skepticism is justified because SB 178 is a significant policy change that increases Colorado’s renewable energy mandate by 20 percent.  Because renewable energy is

  • 1603: Corporate Welfare by Another Name0

    • April 27, 2012

    By Molly Sullivan The 1603 program, part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 was designated for job creation and job endurance for long-term economic growth in the field of renewable energy sources. Michael Sandoval’s March 19, article in the Colorado Observer, “Liquor Stores, Fortune 500 Companies among Colorado Stimulus Beneficiaries”, highlighted

  • Will state legislature cave to Xcel and eco-left…again?0

    • April 26, 2012

    Colorado already has the most expensive electric rates of all neighboring states and the second highest in the Rocky Mountain West, with projections to go even higher in the near future.  Now, a bill just introduced into the state senate threatens to make Colorado’s energy rates even more expensive. The following is a column from

  • New EPA Regulations On Fracking0

    • April 20, 2012

    This past Wednesday, the EPA released new regulations on hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”). Surprisingly, the 588 pages of regulations don’t amount to much. At best, they codify existing industry practices. At worst, they might cause delays and other unintended consequences. The new regulations focus on “green completions” (“completions” refers to the whole well-stimulation process, including fracking).

  • Supreme Court Allows Controversial Water Bills to be on 2012 Ballot0

    • April 17, 2012

    Update: the Colorado State Supreme Court rulings allowing for the ballot initiatives #3 and #45 to move forward are below. Thank you to the Colorado Water Congress for making them easily accessible. Yesterday, April 16, 2012, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that two controversial ballot proposals attempting to eliminate private property in water rights each

  • Not much BTU for the buck0

    • April 6, 2012

    Congressman Cory Gardner was on my radio show this morning defending his plan to first extend and then phase out the production tax credit (PTC) for wind energy. My colleague Michael Sandoval and I are on record as opposing the PTC, and all other energy subsidies. Now we have additional evidence that renewables are so