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  • NREL: Get rid of fossil fuels0

    • May 14, 2012

    We’ve translated President Obama’s “all of the above” energy policy before. Basically, it’s to rid the US of energy from fossil fuels. Now, no translation is needed. Dan Arvizu, director of Colorado’s own National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), a taxpayer-funded arm of the Department of Energy, says “fossil fuels should be phased out by 2040

  • Energy by the Numbers0

    • May 12, 2012

    Sound energy policy must be rooted in fact rather than fiction and reason rather than emotion. Recently, the Institute for Energy Research released a well-researched, extensively-cited, easy-to-read primer on energy. We encourage you to read all 68 pages of Hard Facts: An Energy Primer.  For those who want a cliff notes version, a few key

  • Bill to increase renewable mandate dies0

    • May 4, 2012

    Good news for ratepayers in Colorado. Sources at the capitol tell me that SB 178, the disastrous legislation that would have increased Colorado’s renewable energy mandate, died today in the State Senate. More information to follow.

  • SB 178: Don’t fear the multiplier0

    • May 3, 2012

    As we stated in an earlier post, there are plenty of reasons for concern over SB 178, State Senator Angela Giron’s attempt to increase significantly the state’s renewable energy mandate, including: Dramatic increase in electric rates. Lack of input from stakeholders including ratepayers and some utilities. Significant policy change introduced just days before the end

  • SB 178: Don't fear the multiplier0

    • May 3, 2012

    As we stated in an earlier post, there are plenty of reasons for concern over SB 178, State Senator Angela Giron’s attempt to increase significantly the state’s renewable energy mandate, including: Dramatic increase in electric rates. Lack of input from stakeholders including ratepayers and some utilities. Significant policy change introduced just days before the end

  • Green Energy Causes . . . Warming?0

    • April 30, 2012

    Perhaps the number one reason for pushing so-called clean, green renewable energy projects is to reduce warming that, according to climate change proponents, increases climate volatility–(formerly known as global warming and now increasingly identified as the wild but undefined “change” that so worries them)–creating the need to build ever more renewable projects. But according to