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  • EPA bans construction of new coal plants0

    • March 27, 2012

    Today, the EPA announced new limits on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. For once, industry and environmental groups are in agreement: these new limits, they say, will effectively ban the construction of new coal plants. As Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, put it, the new limits mark the “end of an

  • Fracking: Chemicals, Cancer, and Relative Risks0

    • March 27, 2012

    The Colorado School of Public Health (CSPH) at the University of Colorado recently announced an article that will be published this month in the journal Science of the Total Environment. The article is based on a study of air pollution resulting from oil and gas development (including hydraulic fracturing or “fracking”) in Garfield County. According

  • Fix is in: Senator misses testimony, knows to vote with Xcel0

    • March 21, 2012

    Senator Betty Boyd, a democrat member of the State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee, was not present in the committee hearing for any of the testimony either for or against HB 1172, the carbon tax repeal. Yet she knew exactly how to vote — against electricity ratepayers, against the environment, and for Xcel Energy. According

  • The Truth About Fracking and Water Scarcity0

    • March 21, 2012

    This post will be the first in series on hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”), in which Independence Institute research associate, Donovan Schafer, will take on specific issues related to fracking. In this post he focuses on the claim that fracking will deplete Colorado’s water resources. Enjoy! Two recent articles—one in the Denver Post and another in the

  • Pat Stryker waiting for more taxpayer money to fund Abound0

    • March 20, 2012

    Leftist billionaire heiress Pat Stryker is waiting to see if taxpayers via the Department of Energy (DOE) will throw another $10 million at Stryker’s failed thin-filmed solar panel manufacturer Abound Solar before she puts any more of her own money into the Colorado-based company reports Eric Wesoff of GreenTech Media: The firm awaits $10 million from the

  • Chevy instructs how to gouge Colorado taxpayers0

    • March 16, 2012

    Buy a $40,000 Chevy Volt and taxpayers in Colorado and across the country will pick up nearly one third of the cost plus provide a permit to use Colorado’s HOV lanes free. Chevy blasted a “radio advisory,” which I received for my show on News Talk 1310, bragging about taxpayers footing the bill: Colorado residents