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  • Colorado’s cruel approach to energy policy0

    • February 25, 2014

    By Amy Oliver Cooke “Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun,” wrote environmental doomsday prophet Dr. Paul Ehrlich in 1975. That’s a cruel statement directed at people who simply want electric lights so their children can read at night, a refrigerator to keep food from

  • CO electric rates rise along with increase in preferred energy mandate0

    • February 7, 2014

    In 1999 Colorado enjoyed some of the lowest electricity rates in the United States and the Mountain West. In 2004, Colorado voters approved Amendment 37, requiring investor owned utilities to provide 10 percent of the electricity sold to end users to come from the preferred sources wind and solar. Since 2004, the Colorado state legislature

  • HB 1113 Testimony, Bill Voted Down 8-50

    • January 31, 2014

    Valerie Richardson of The Colorado Observer provides background on HB 1113’s 8-5 defeat in committee, as well as other efforts to deal with last year’s SB 252 impact on rural Colorado. Full text of testimony presented by the Independence Institute: Testimony on behalf of HB 1113 Electric Renewable Energy Standard Reduction, Room 0112 January 30,

  • Legislative Preview: 2014 Energy Bills0

    • January 24, 2014

    Current through January 24, 2014 Reform defeated: SB14-035 Renewable Energy Standard Repeal *postponed indefinitely* Senate Bill 35, introduced by State Sen. Ted Harvey, would have repealed “substantially all of the provision enacted by Senate Bill 13-252” by returning the renewable portfolio standard to 10 percent from 20 percent for rural cooperative electric associations, among other

  • Progressive criticism of PUC nominee Vaad is about ALEC rather than energy0

    • January 8, 2014

    Progressive left logic: Progressives want to destroy ALEC. Moderate Republican PUC nominee Glenn Vaad has been a member of ALEC. Therefore progressives want to destroy Glenn Vaad even though he has supported increasing Colorado’s renewable energy mandate and fuel switching. The progressive left’s criticism of Governor John Hickenlooper’s appointment of former State Representative Glenn Vaad

  • ‘Devastating’: Despite Majority Support, ‘Fractivists’ Plan Statewide Fracking Ban; MoveOn Joins Effort0

    • November 20, 2013

    DENVER—Calls for a statewide ban on hydraulic fracturing in Colorado have escalated following the passage of a handful of local moratoria, even as a majority of Colorado voters continue to support the drilling method. A Quinnipiac poll from November 19 conducted just two weeks after voters in Boulder, Lafayette, and Fort Collins—and possibly Broomfield—voted for