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Watch or listen to recent conversations about K-12 policy issues.

Wrap your mind around this. Kids in Colorado cannot be taught about human sexuality until the fourth grade, but they can be taught about homosexuality in the first grade. Pam Benigno from the Independence Institute explains.

Have you ever considered how your favorite hobby might be racist? Lori Gimelshteyn’s eighth-grade son was asked this question in a school assignment. How would you react and how should he answer?

Ross Izard, Education Senior Fellow at Independence Institute, discusses charter schools and why the union doesn’t support autonomous schools.

Pam Benigno, Director of Education Policy at Independence Institute, discusses whether Colorado parents can opt-out their kids from certain curriculum.

Eric Hall, a Colorado Springs attorney with Sparks Wilson, P.C., explains Colorado and federal laws regarding transgender and gender non-conforming students and employees and what the law requires of schools and which rights it affords students, parents, and teachers.

Terry Croy Lewis Executive Director of Charter School Institute discusses some of the challenges they face.

Erin Lee sits down with Jon Caldara to share how her 12-year-old daughter was emotionally harmed during a school sponsored art club.

Sherri Yockey sits down with Jon Caldara to explain how she was prevented from viewing videos that are part of her daughter’s school curriculum.

Pam Benigno, director of Independence Institute’s Education Policy Center, interviewed Dr. David Randall, the Executive Director of the Civics Alliance, in January 2023. Dr. Randall discusses the purpose and content of the American Birthright standards. Click here to listen.

American Birthright Social Studies Standards: An Introduction for School Board Members by David Randall. Click here to watch.