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  • A Scholarship Tax Credit Program for Colorado

    A Scholarship Tax Credit Program for Colorado0

    • January 5, 2015

    Scholarship tax credits increase the opportunity for K-12 students to access non-public educational options. Such a tax code modification increases the incentive for persons and businesses to contribute funds to qualified non-profit scholarship granting organizations. In turn, the organizations use most of the incoming funds to assist low- and middle-income families with private school tuition expenses. Colorado policymakers should give careful consideration to providing many of the state’s families an important benefit through the adoption of scholarship tax credits.

  • DeGrow Chimes In on Accountability Clock for School Reform News0

    • January 5, 2015

    A recent School Reform News article by Heather Kays on the potential state takeover of 30 schools based on a first-time Colorado accountability deadline featured remarks from the Education Policy Center: “As Colorado’s perennially weakest schools approach their day of reckoning, there are few quick fixes and no one-size-fits-all solutions,” said Ben DeGrow, senior education

  • Devil’s Advocate: The Power of K-12 Scholarships to Change Lives0

    • December 23, 2014

    Tune in to Devil’s Advocate with host Jon Caldara as he and Independence Institute Education Policy Center director Pam Benigno speak with Jamilla Dennis, a college student at Howard University whose life was forever changed by a scholarship from the Colorado-based Challenge Foundation. Jamilla offers a first-hand account of the powerful effect K-12 tuition scholarships can have on students’

  • Amy Oliver Show: Dougco Community Rallies Around School Choice0

    • December 15, 2014

    Great Choice Douglas County president Charcie Russell and local retired teacher Debbie Cohen talk about why they support the Douglas County School District’s Choice Scholarship Program.

  • CO Independent Cites DeGrow on Dougco Choice in Supreme Court0

    • December 12, 2014

    A December 12 Colorado Independent story by Lisa Greim on the Douglas County Choice Scholarship Program’s hearing before the Colorado Supreme Court included a comment from senior education policy analyst Ben DeGrow about what a favorable ruling might mean: “There’s a wait-and-see attitude” among districts, DeGrow said. A Supreme Court ruling favorable to school-choice proponents

  • Amy Oliver Show: Scholarship Tax Credits Win in Courts0

    • September 12, 2014

    The Cato Institute’s Jason Bedrick celebrates a New Hampshire court victory for scholarship tax credits, while observing the strategy of school choice opponents to continue with a series of lawsuits against Florida’s highly successful scholarship tax credit program.