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  • Foundation Gives High-Performing Poorer Denver Area Schools Cause to Celebrate0

    • January 24, 2012

    Today’s lead story at Ed News Colorado highlights the disparity in private parent and community giving within Denver Public Schools. Reporter Charlie Brennan notes that no school raked in more than the nearly $230,000 at Bromwell Elementary, a school with a low 8 percent study poverty rate. The general findings are no surprise, yet nonetheless […]

  • Get School Choice Juices Flowing: “Kids Aren’t Cars,” Parent Trigger II and Milk (!)0

    • January 23, 2012

    I can hardly believe that School Choice Week is already here. For my Colorado friends, remember that there are several great events between now and Saturday, especially a cool “Kids Aren’t Cars” movie night I hope you can come to.
    Here in Colorado the legislature kicks off School Choice Week with the introduction of House […]

  • NY NAACP Lawsuit and Lobato Ruling: Don’t Let the Outrage Get You Down0

    • January 20, 2012

    Has it really been almost three months since I told you about a new Choice Media video on the Douglas County Choice Scholarship program injunction? Well, award-winning director Bob Bowdon has triumphed again with this hard-hitting, six-minute video about the New York City NAACP’s lawsuit trying to remove a charter school that successfully serves inner-city […]

  • Guess Implementing Digital Learning Policy Changes in Colorado Not as Easy as It Looks0

    • January 18, 2012

    As last year was winding down, I told you that the issue of K-12 online and blended learning would be a big one going forward for Colorado in 2012. With the legislature now in session and the first-ever Digital Learning Day just around the corner, I found a timely article that deserves some attention here […]

  • Friday the 13th Brings Bad Indiana Judicial News for Anti-School Choice Crowd0

    • January 17, 2012

    While I sit and wait and tap my feet for some word on the appeal of the Douglas County choice scholarship injunction, here’s some important good news for you. A very similar statewide program enacted last year in the Hoosier State has been upheld in a January 13 decision:

    A Marion County judge ruled Friday that […]

  • No Excuses Time: Attend a Colorado School Choice Week Event (January 22-28)0

    • January 13, 2012

    The second annual National School Choice Week is coming up soon. For most of my fellow Coloradans, there aren’t any good excuses to not be able to attend even of the numerous events going on during the week of January 22-28, from a Kids Aren’t Cars movie night at the Independence Institute’s new Denver digs to two American Exceptionalism townhalls with nationally-known speakers and a special Saturday morning event designed just for teachers. Perhaps we’ll see you at one of them.