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  • Groundhog’s Shadow or Not, Colorado’s Parent Trigger II a Small Step Forward0

    • February 2, 2012

    Even if the Groundhog hadn’t seen his shadow this morning, the reluctant news would still be well more than six weeks of Colorado’s legislative session remaining. Too early for me to be ground into the dust, but at the same time too many important things going on for me to run back and hide in […]

  • Happy Digital Learning Day, Colorado!0

    • February 1, 2012

    I’m still catching my breath from an amazingly successful National School Choice Week, including the Kids Aren’t Cars movie night put on by some of my friends right here in Denver.
    And now today it’s the first-ever Digital Learning Day, centered at a site where you can participate in a live chat and watch a […]

  • Independence Institute, Liberty on the Rocks Celebrate School Choice Week with Kids Aren’t Cars Movie0

    • January 30, 2012

    On Thursday, January 26, Liberty on the Rocks and the Independence Institute celebrated National School Choice Week by co-hosting a special event at the Independence Institute’s new Freedom Embassy in Denver. Attendees watched selected portions of the 2011 movie Kids Aren’t Cars. Afterward, the Education Policy Center’s Pam Benigno and Ben DeGrow shared some insights

  • Another School Choice Trifecta: Jared Polis, Bill Cosby, Ben DeGrow… Swish!0

    • January 27, 2012

    Since yesterday’s school choice trifecta was so successful, why not another one to help bring a smashing conclusion to National School Choice Week? We’re in the heart of basketball season — it’s not March Madness time yet — but still “trifecta” gets me thinking about making that long-range jumper for student-centered education reform:

    Yesterday, Colorado’s U.S. […]

  • DeGrow Celebrates School Choice Week on Mike Rosen Show0

    • January 27, 2012

    In honor of National School Choice Week senior policy analyst Ben DeGrow spent an hour with Colorado’s most listened-to radio talk program, AM 850 KOA’s Mike Rosen Show. They discussed national progress in the school choice movement, the Douglas County Choice Scholarship Program, and other education reform issues. Click below to listen: [January 26, 2012,

  • School Choice Week Good News Trifecta: Nationwide, Arizona ESAs, Ohio Vouchers0

    • January 26, 2012

    While School Choice Week has me in a happy frenzy, it doesn’t leave me as much time for blogging. But in my few spare moments, I wanted to share a few timely developments fitting for this week’s big festivities:

    The Alliance for School Choice has released the latest version of the School Choice Yearbook… The big […]