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  • Comprehensive Milwaukee Voucher Study Shows Some Positive, No Harmful Results0

    • February 28, 2012

    The big news from the education reform world this week is the release of the School Choice Demonstration Project’s final reports evaluating five years of matched student comparisons between the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program and the Milwaukee Public Schools. What can we learn about vouchers from the results of this program?
    The American Federation for Children […]

  • Denver Foundations Reward Local Schools that Beat the Odds0

    • February 23, 2012

    Tom Kaesemeyer, executive director of the Denver-based Fox Family Foundation, discusses the local cooperative initiative Foundations for Great Schools, which in January announced $500,000 in grant awards to more than a dozen Denver-area district and charter schools successfully serving large numbers of low-income students. Kaesemeyer highlights the genesis of the initiative, some of the key school success factors considered, and future plans to continue the program.

  • “Education Justice League” Sums Up Research, Points to School Choice Future0

    • February 22, 2012

    A new Education Week column signed by “nine scholars and analysts” lays out clearly what the research says about school choice. In the highest-quality studies, educational voucher and tax credit programs usually show positive, and never negative, effects. The article also reminds readers that we haven’t begun to “exhaust the potential of school choice,” which could create a dynamic market of new possibilities.

  • House Bill 1146 Provides Dropout Recovery Option at No Extra Cost0

    • February 17, 2012

    Earlier this week the House Education Committee approved House Bill 1146, which would ensure that the “Dropout Recovery Concurrent Enrollment Program” can continue to serve a small group of Colorado’s at-risk high school students. Some people had expressed concerns about the original fiscal note that showed the bill would raise the burden on taxpayers. However,

  • Denver’s Northeast Academy Deserves Full 3 Years to Prove Itself During Turnaround0

    • February 13, 2012

    Denver’s Northeast Academy, a rare turnaround charter school that has come through a healthy share of turmoil, looks to be finally making progress with students. On February 9 the Colorado State Board of Education upheld the charter’s appeal to keep it from removing two grades next school year. Why is Denver Public Schools trying to pull the plug before the three-year contract is up and the results are in?

  • Colo.’s Parent Trigger II Survives First Test: Maybe HB 1149 Can Win Bipartisan Support0

    • February 7, 2012

    My Education Policy Center friends asked me to stop playing around in the snow long enough to give a quick update and comment on something I mentioned last week. As Ed News Colorado reports, Rep. Don Beezley’s “Parent Trigger II” successfully passed its first obstacle with a favorable 7-6 party line vote in the House […]