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  • Late-Night Louisiana House Advances School Choice, Tenure Reform Bills0

    • March 26, 2012

    A lot of big people were paying attention to Louisiana this weekend because of some big presidential primary election there. But I’m more interested in Bayou State developments from the world of K-12 education. And they look pretty big from here.
    Last Thursday night Republicans and Democrats in the Louisiana House of Representatives came together to […]

  • Independence Institute Shares Colorado’s Own Digital Learning Roadmap0

    • March 21, 2012

    The Independence Institute’s newly-released digital learning policy roadmap reflects the expressed priorities of nearly 50 online education leaders and policy experts who convened in January. The publication covers nine key changes in the areas of funding, assessment and accountability, and student access and eligibility. The new roadmap shows what Colorado can do to effectively allow technology to enhance the work of great teachers and to foster innovation and students’ ability to customize their educational opportunities.

  • Dougco School Board Approves Choice Program: Looking Back One Year Later0

    • March 15, 2012

    Can you believe it was one year ago today that the Douglas County Board of Education voted to adopt the groundbreaking Pilot Choice Scholarship Program? (Can you also believe that I was 5 years old then and am still 5 years old now? I need to talk to my Education Policy Center friends about this.) […]

  • Denver Mayor Hancock and Andre Agassi Discussed Education Reform: A Good Sign?0

    • March 14, 2012

    A couple weeks ago I excitedly tweeted about a great blog piece in which four of Colorado’s leading Democrats — Lt. Governor Joe Garcia, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock, U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, and State Senator Michael Johnston — explained why they support school choice.
    Then today Todd Shepherd of Complete Colorado forwarded me an interesting […]

  • School Reform News Bulletin: Can Bold Iowa Reform Plans Get Unstuck?0

    • March 5, 2012

    Hard to believe it was five months ago I asked the question: Is major education reform about ready to give Iowa a try? At the heart of the story is a local connection. Jason Glass, appointed the state’s education chief a little more than a year ago by incoming Governor Terry Branstad, has some notable […]

  • New Fiscal Impact Study Reinforces Benefits of Dougco Choice Scholarship Program0

    • March 1, 2012

    The Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice has released an interesting new study titled “The Fiscal Effects of School Choice Programs on Public School Districts.” Author Benjamin Scafidi took a state-by-state look at total per-pupil spending, breaking out the fixed costs from the variable costs.
    Here’s the basic idea. Take a state’s K-12 “expenditures on capital, […]