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  • Candidate Romney Proposes Moving the School Choice & Reform Ball Ahead0

    • May 24, 2012

    It’s not every day when my parents turn on the radio and get to hear education policy top the national news headlines. But yesterday Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney gave a big speech to explain why improving education was “the civil rights issue of our era, and it’s the greatest challenge of our time.”
    Hardly […]

  • Fuller, Coulson and Ladner: Three Views on the Best Choice Policies to Pursue0

    • May 21, 2012

    Perhaps it’s just the school choice geek in me (ok, the school choice geek is me!), but I want to bring your attention to a worthwhile and important discussion. A couple weeks ago redefinED posted comments made by the longtime voucher supporter Dr. Howard Fuller at the recent American Federation for Children national summit. He […]

  • Colorado K-12 Funding for the 21st Century: Toward Mass Customized Learning?0

    • May 17, 2012

    I’m a little bit tired today, having Tweeted up a storm at the Donnell-Kay Foundation’s Colorado Summit on Blended Learning. I have neither the time nor the energy to recap the great presentations from the likes of iNACOL’s David Teeter, Utah Senator Howard Stephenson, New Hampshire Deputy Commissioner Paul Leather, Colorado Department of Education Assistant […]

  • Tale of Two ‘A’s: Alabama Buries Charter Bill, Arizona Expands ESA Choice0

    • May 15, 2012

    I’ve been telling you a lot lately about education goings-on in Colorado, and with good reason. There has been plenty to comment on. Yet once in awhile it’s good to step back and take a look at some other states. Today, specifically, I wanted to share with you a few thoughts about new developments from […]

  • The Bright & Not-So-Bright Spots of Colorado’s Latest 3rd Grade Reading Scores0

    • May 14, 2012

    Can you believe it? Last week I didn’t write anything about the release of the CSAP TCAP results for 3rd grade reading. The state’s overall share of proficient 3rd grade readers (74 percent) is slightly better than the previous year. Colorado can still do better. To me, this is one of the most fundamental measures […]

  • Video: Time to Rethink How Colorado Finances Student Learning Success0

    • May 10, 2012

    “Before we can do anything to fix Colorado schools, we just need to give them more money. …Right?” A great new 2-minute video edited and produced by the Independence Institute highlights ideas presented in Denver by national school finance experts Dr. Eric Hanushek and Dr. Marguerite Roza. Colorado needs to think outside the box in designing a new system to fund learning success.