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  • School Choice News from Indiana and Tennessee Should Brighten Your Monday0

    • June 11, 2012

    Being a Monday and all, I thought you might appreciate a little good news on the school choice front. So let’s head quickly to our nation’s Heartland, first to see my Education Policy Center friend Ben DeGrow’s new offering for School Reform News on the state of Hoosier State’s Choice Scholarship Program:
    Scarcely more than a […]

  • How Can School Choice Best Lead Us to the Greenfield of Effective Innovation?0

    • June 8, 2012

    Once in awhile you read something that makes you really step back and think. In that spirit I commend to you the new Friedman Foundation report The Greenfield School Revolution and School Choice by Greg Forster and James Woodworth. Want to know what I mean? Start off with a statement like this potent summary:
    Existing choice […]

  • School’s Out, But Douglas County Summertime Happenings Worth Watching0

    • June 1, 2012

    School is out… Hooray!!! But in Douglas County, Colorado’s third-largest school district and a true hotspot of education reform, the summer months still give us plenty to which we can look forward. First, this month of June represents the final 30 days before the collective bargaining contract with the Douglas County Federation of Teachers (DCFT) […]

  • Winters: Give K-12 Schools More Freedom to Boost Bang for Taxpayers’ Buck0

    • May 31, 2012

    Using important data to formulate his argument, Manhattan Institute senior fellow Marcus Winters makes the case that it’s time to give all public schools the same type of freedom charter schools have in order to help ensure existing funds are spent more wisely and productively in support of an excellent K-12 education system. One thing is for certain: it wouldn’t make public education any less “public” than it is today.

  • Former Gov. Jeb Bush Headlines Denver ACE Luncheon with Inspiring Message0

    • May 30, 2012

    Has it been a whole year since the last big ACE Scholarships luncheon? Funny. I was still 5 then, too. Last time around it was my edu-reform crush Michelle Rhee, only a few months out of her famous tenure as chancellor of D.C. Public Schools, explaining her change of heart about vouchers and praising Douglas […]

  • Let’s Discuss Seriously How to Strengthen Successful Tuition Tax Credit Programs0

    • May 29, 2012

    What a hubbub. Having finally read last week’s desperate New York Times attack against K-12 tuition tax credit programs, I was left scratching my head. Really? The Old Gray Lady seems awfully cranky about school choice and short on facts or serious arguments when it comes to this one. In a way, it felt like […]