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  • Let’s Respect and Empower Parents with Choices, Not Look Down on Them0

    • August 16, 2012

    From the files of “Did she really say that?” comes a post written a few days ago by Diane Ravitch, under the heading: “Do parents always know what is best?” Ravitch extensively quotes a Louisiana teacher, who hardly wins friends and influences people with this opener:
    I am tired of this attitude about parents knowing […]

  • Winters Just Made It Even Harder to Argue with Florida’s Education Success0

    • August 14, 2012

    Last time I wrote about Florida, it was touting their “silver medal” among the 50 states for growing student achievement in the past 15 years. The Harvard study that handed out the imaginary awards analyzed how much progress 4th-grade and 8th-grade students have made on the national NAEP test.
    Second place out of 50? Not too […]

  • Eagle County Teacher-Technology Controversy Calls for Blended Learning0

    • August 13, 2012

    Several days ago Education Week published a story about a large Colorado school district replacing French and German language instructors with software-driven programs:
    Of all the recent budget cuts made by the Eagle County, Colo., school district —the loss of 89 staff jobs through attrition and layoffs, a 1.5 percent across-the-board pay cut, and the introduction […]

  • AFT National Teachers Union Resolved to Protect Power in Douglas County0

    • August 6, 2012

    Summer vacation is almost over (for some students, it already is). Any reason why I can’t write about Douglas County again? That’s what I thought. So here goes…
    Education Week’s Stephen Sawchuk reported last week from the annual the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) convention that members sounded off on a local Colorado issue:
    The union passed, […]

  • Amy Oliver Show: Dougco Union Took Two Sides of Reform0

    • August 1, 2012

    Senior education policy analyst Ben DeGrow reveals that the Doug Co teachers’ union privately coordinated with the ACLU to thwart educational reforms while publicly appearing to support them.

  • A Good Balance? Louisiana Brings New Kind of Accountability to Voucher Schools0

    • July 25, 2012

    Choice and accountability are two words you’ll hear my Education Policy Center friends say quite a bit if you’re around them enough. Empowering families with a broader range of educational options, and providing transparent information about — and real consequences for — a school ’s learning results, are two general principles they and I regularly […]