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  • Citizen Link Includes Comment on Growing Democratic Support for School Reform0

    • October 5, 2012

    In a 45-second nationally syndicated audio news clip for Citizen Link, senior policy analyst Ben DeGrow offered his insights on Democrats’ views regarding education reform and the declining power of teachers unions. “In some elements of the Democratic Party, especially in urban areas, there is definitely an awakening to the need of school choice,” DeGrow

  • AFT’s Randi Weingarten Steps Forward as Face of Opposition to Bold Dougco Reforms0

    • October 4, 2012

    Lucky Colorado. Yesterday the president of the nation’s second-largest teachers union paid a visit. Ed News Colorado reports that while AFT’s Randi Weingarten stopped in to tout an innovative school nutrition program at Denver’s Cole Arts and Science Academy, she also used her big political stick to bash the Douglas County school board:

    “This is what’s […]

  • Won’t Back Down Movie Makes Cool Kids of Education Reformers Like Me0

    • October 2, 2012

    The premiere of the education reform feature film Won’t Back Down has stirred protests from teachers union protests. But in his review for Ed News Colorado, senior education policy analyst Ben DeGrow hails the movie’s powerful message: “We will not wait.” On a fun note, the film — starring past Oscar nominees Maggie Gyllenhaal and Viola Davis and former Oscar winner Holly Hunter — demonstrates that education reform themes and issues have entered the mainstream.

  • “Parent Trigger” Debate Triggered as Won’t Back Down Movie Opens in Colorado0

    • September 27, 2012

    I’m getting too excited to wait much longer. Tonight is the special Colorado screening of Won’t Back Down, the new feature movie about empowering parents to improve failing schools. Put simply, it brings the “Parent Trigger” reform concept to the big screen.
    So as you look forward to catching the movie, either tonight or when it […]

  • Is This Conservative Alternative to Federal Education Policy Just Too Sensible?0

    • September 25, 2012

    Four months ago, while introducing you to the education policy blueprint of a major party presidential candidate, I noted that one of the hardest areas in which “it might be hard to make a contrast” between Obama and Romney is K-12 education.
    Every time one of these major national elections comes up, serious questions and debates […]

  • Mike Thomas’ Account Reminds Ed Reformers Hearts and Minds Can Change0

    • September 20, 2012

    (H/T Matt Ladner on Jay Greene’s blog) In the never-ending education reform debates, it’s important not to take for granted that prominent voices can change their minds. Mike Thomas used to be a Florida education news reporter notably skeptical of Jeb Bush’s bold and cutting-edge school reform program. After reviewing the evidence, much of it […]