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  • Trying to Measure “Non-Cognitive Skills” Beats “Deja Vu All Over Again”0

    • August 16, 2013

    An old baseball player from a long time ago once famously said, “It’s deja vu all over again” (or so my Education Policy Center friends would have me believe). Little voices have been asking me when I’m going to write something about the latest round of TCAP results — Colorado’s annual state testing for different […]

  • Charter Competition Has Some Healthy Benefits for Denver, Still Room for More0

    • August 6, 2013

    How many of my posts here have been inspired by a story at Education Next? Someone with too much time on their hands and go find the exact answer. But you’ll have to add this one to the count, because I think readers would find interesting a new piece by Marc Holley & Co., “Competition […]

  • Can Colorado Reach Forefront of Student-Centered Digital Learning Policy?0

    • August 2, 2013

    A little disappointed? Yes. Surprised? Not really. I’m talking about digital learning guru Michael Horn’s new Education Next breakdown of 2013 legislative policy changes affecting the world of online education. It’s a long read, but Horn essentially identifies three different trends: More course-level choice and freedom for students; More restrictions on full-time online learning programs; […]