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  • Campaign “Silly Season” Starts to Emerge in Colorado’s Largest School Districts0

    • September 24, 2013

    For reasons I don’t even have time to get into, big people often call the weeks leading up to an election the “silly season.” Most think of that in terms of presidential or Congressional races. Not so much when school board elections come around, and here in Colorado that’s in the fall of odd-numbered years. […]

  • I Want to Put a Great Big Asterisk on a Compelling Jay Greene Argument0

    • September 13, 2013

    This week one of my favorite researchers and thought leaders in the world of K-12 education, Dr. Jay Greene, produced an insightful blog essay titled “Fix Schools by Not Fixing Schools.” His argument isn’t as odd as the title makes it sound: I understand that urging reformers to focus on fixing traditional schools by not […]

  • Two More Videos Remind Us that Dougco Innovation is Working (But I’m Not)0

    • September 9, 2013

    A couple weeks ago I offered up a post titled “Learning about Douglas County K-12 Innovation: Read. Watch. Share. Repeat.” Included in that post were links to a great op-ed and the first in an Americans for Prosperity Foundation video series titled “It’s Working.” Well, confession is good for the juvenile soul. So let me […]

  • Maybe Next Time Colorado Can Do Better than Lucky 13 in Parent Power0

    • September 4, 2013

    I don’t want to alarm any of my Education Policy Center friends, but I do have some reservations about getting behind the notion of “Parent Power.” Specifically when it comes to matters of enforcing vegetable-eating policies, cutting into my video game time, and limiting where I can and can’t ride my new bike. On the […]

  • Arizona’s #EdDebitCard Begins Opening Doors to Choice and Personal Learning0

    • August 29, 2013

    One thing I like to keep my eye on, peering to the southwest, is the progress of Arizona’s unique and intriguing Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program. Last time we checked, the ESA was one of two Arizona school choice programs set for expansion (unfortunately, the Corporate Tax Credit program expansion was vetoed). The initial pool […]

  • Asking What Parents Want from Schools, Fordham Offers Interesting Market Niches0

    • August 27, 2013

    Once upon a time, there was a boring chick flick called What Women Want (don’t ask me what it was about, but I needed an easy segue). Today the Fordham Institute has taken a slightly different tack, with the release of the paper What Parents Want. They worked with Harris Interactive to conduct an extensive […]