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  • New NAEP Math and Reading Scores Leave Me Longing for More Reform0

    • November 7, 2013

    The elections are over. I’m out from underneath the rock. It’s nice to see the sunshine again, to see that Amendment 66 was rejected (let’s think Kids Are First instead), and the reform message carried many major school board races. Time to shift gears, though, with the release of 2013 results from NAEP, the nation’s […]

  • Even This Post Might Be Too Much Attention on Common Core Debate0

    • October 21, 2013

    The reason I rarely write about Common Core is the same reason why I’m writing about it today. Huh, you say? America’s fourth most influential Edu-Scholar Eric Hanushek makes a persuasive case in U.S. News: Policymakers and reform advocates alike have rallied around introducing a set of national content standards, suggesting that this will jump-start […]

  • Devil’s Advocate: Fighting for School Choice in the Courtroom0

    • October 15, 2013

    The Goldwater Institute’s Clint Bolick talks about his rich experiences fighting for school choice and other key freedoms in the courtroom, also commenting on the Douglas County Choice Scholarship Program and scholarship tax credits.

  • Louisiana Choice Reduces Segregation: Why Is Justice Department Attacking It?0

    • October 3, 2013

    Tomorrow my Education Policy Center friends are hosting a Brown Bag lunch with special guest speaker Clint Bolick. He’s a big time pro-school choice attorney who right now is helping low-income families in Louisiana whose educational civil rights are under attack by the U.S. Department of Justice. Why the attack? The Feds say the program […]

  • Indiana and Arizona Boost My Spirits with Good School Choice News0

    • October 2, 2013

    These are the days when little Eddie is too busy soaking in the last rays of warm weather before the fall chill. So you have to forgive me if a post like today’s is a quick hit. I just wanted to make sure you saw two recent pieces of good news from two states that […]

  • Douglas County: Building a Better Education Model0

    • September 30, 2013

    Effecting successful suburban school reform poses an authentic challenge. Many students do well compared to their peers in neighboring districts, but overall test scores conceal shortcomings. The U.S. spends more per person on education than any other country, yet even middle-class students academically lag their peers in other countries. The fast-growing Douglas County School District (DCSD) south of Denver, Colorado, has attempted a different approach to aim higher.