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  • EAGLE-Net Broadband Delays Test Patient Hopes for Digital Learning Policies0

    • December 10, 2013

    The power and potential of blended learning stand out in several ways. It can give students more control over their education — like having a customized playlist — and enable them to advance at their own pace. It can expand the reach of effective teachers and allow them to focus time more efficiently on what […]

  • Warmed by the Thought of Another School Choice Whistle-Stop Tour0

    • December 4, 2013

    The bone-chilling cold has arrived, so I really needed something to fill me with warm thoughts. Even though it’s more than 7 weeks away, what about the official announcement that there’s soon going to be another National School Choice Week Whistle-Stop Tour? Planned by National School Choice Week, the tour will span 3,800 miles and […]

  • Thankful for the (Mostly) Good News for Louisiana School Choice Families0

    • November 22, 2013

    ‘Tis the season for expressions of gratitude. So I’m glad to say this week that the U.S. Department of Justice has dropped its hollow and shameful attack against a Louisiana school choice program and the parents who benefit from it. So if you see little Eddie smiling and muttering a few extra Thank-You’s than normal, […]

  • Time for “Preschool for All”? Not So Fast, Says New Gold-Standard Research0

    • November 21, 2013

    A few weeks ago I pointed you to a growing body of research that cast serious doubts on the glowing claims about what universal preschool can accomplish. That was before Amendment 66 went down in flames, including a proposal to boost funding for at-risk early childhood education. While shell-shocked tax increase supporters continue to mourn […]

  • Open Enrollment: Friday Appreciation0

    • November 15, 2013

    Before heading off into the weekend playground sunset, I ran across this recent piece from former California Democratic state legislator and passionate education reformer Gloria Romero. She touts the 2010 Open Enrollment Act she guided through the state legislature to empower parents, explaining how it can be used as a tool to highlight failing schools […]

  • Survey of Tax Credit Scholarship Parents Gives Insights into School Choices0

    • November 14, 2013

    My eyes gleamed when I saw this new Friedman Foundation report, More Than Scores: An Analysis of Why and How Parents Choose Private Schools. Why? Not only because it used a survey of 754 parents in the Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program, but also because it asked really helpful questions to understand why parents make the […]