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  • Colorado Supreme Court Will Hear Dougco School Choice Case, More Waiting Ahead0

    • March 17, 2014

    The Colorado Supreme Court has announced it will hear the case of Taxpayers for Public Education v. Douglas County School District — yes, the case of the groundbreaking Choice Scholarship Program. One phase of waiting is over. With briefings to be exchanged into June and oral arguments expected for the fall, we just need to stay patient.

  • Virtual Learning Success Story Inspires0

    • March 11, 2014

    Some days you get tongue-tied (or finger-tied?), there’s a lot of background noise, and you can’t decide what in the world of K-12 education to share with people. There’s plenty going on, but nothing just seems… quite… right. Then while perusing the great Choice Media website, you stumble across the kind of story that just […]

  • Citizen Magazine Features Education Center Remarks on Colorado Reform Successes0

    • March 6, 2014

    The March 2014 cover story of Focus on the Family’s Citizen magazine highlighted the education-themed results from Colorado’s November 2013 election–including Amendment 66 and school board results in Douglas County, Jefferson County, and Thompson. “A Good Night for School Reform” by Matt Kaufman featured quotes from the Independence Institute. Among other points, Education Policy Center