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  • CER Completes Trifecta of Helpful Scholarship Tax Credit Studies0

    • June 17, 2014

    For those wild and crazy policy wonks out there, it’s been quite a past few weeks for reports that speak directly to the adoption of school choice through K-12 scholarship tax credits. And since I’m all pumped up these days trying to help more Colorado Kids Win, that’s about as fun as summer can be. […]

  • Denver Builds on Low-Income Charter Success Stories: Will Jeffco Follow Suit?0

    • June 13, 2014

    I’m not that old, so the thought of having a big red “Easy” button is rather appealing. According to my grown-up education policy friends, developing a high-quality education model and scaling it up to reach a huge number of kids is a far more challenging and time-consuming task. How do we take pockets of success […]

  • Jeffco Board Member Offers Tax Hike as Charter Funding “Compromise”0

    • June 6, 2014

    Another Jeffco school board meeting, another set of fun or crazy things to talk about. These meetings have become a regular kind of twisted entertainment for my family, I think. As best as I can tell, three big items went down last night. The Denver Post and some other major media focused on the finalized […]

  • New ACE Study Opens Mind on Comparing Public, Private Schools0

    • June 5, 2014

    Time flies when you’re young and enjoying early summertime fun. Why, it was only last week I told you all about the bad smell left by a new book attacking private schools with weak and questionable data. Thanks, Patrick Wolf and Education Next. However, in writing that post, I may have made a mistake. It’s […]

  • Look at Private School Regulation Sells Choice through Scholarship Tax Credits0

    • June 2, 2014

    I have my reasons for doing so. But today’s entry will be easy on both of us (unless perhaps you’re a legislator or other policymaker). The Friedman Foundation has done it again, releasing last week a thorough and thoughtful study of state regulatory impacts on private schools — before and after choice is enacted. So […]

  • Odds & Ends: Big Easy Goes All-Charter; Upgrading School Report Cards0

    • May 30, 2014

    It’s Friday, and it’s my blog. So if I want to cover two topics in a single post, well… I hope you like it. This story from Wednesday’s Washington Post was too significant to pass up. Lyndsey Layton reports that the last five traditional public schools in New Orleans close down this week, making the […]