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  • Let’s Take a Smart Ride into a Dynamic Educational Future0

    • September 9, 2014

    My vision of Colorado’s educational future certainly looks humble and limited, though let’s be honest, it isn’t ridiculous. Personally I’m a bigger fan of Transformers, but for some the “future” conjures up pictures of a kind of Star Trek sci-fi world. Maybe not enough to convince them to speak exclusively to their own children in […]

  • Devil’s Advocate: Tackling Douglas County School Choice Lawsuit0

    • September 5, 2014

    Independence Institute education policy analysts Ben DeGrow and Ross Izard talk about the Douglas County Choice Scholarship Program (CSP) and where it stands in the courts. They highlight some of the arguments for the CSP and key design advantages that they helped to make in an amicus brief.

  • New Hampshire Ruling for Kids & Tax Credits Makes Me Smile Wider0

    • August 28, 2014

    “Good news for educational freedom!” Words that can light up my day, right up there with “Free Legos” and “of course, you can have another scoop of Superman ice cream.” (Sadly, too many kids are left Waiting for Superman… Okay, okay. Enough groaning already.) Specifically, the latest good news comes compliments of the “merry band […]

  • Rubric’s Cube: Understanding Colorado’s Recent Voucher Grade0

    • August 27, 2014

    We’re all instinctively wary of being graded, I think. Being evaluated can make you a little nervous, and there’s always that slight moment of panic as a teacher hands back an exam. Yet, that information often proves to be extremely valuable. A good evaluation helps you identify strengths, weaknesses, and things you’ll do differently moving […]

  • What Can Colorado Learn from NYC Charter Network’s Amazing “Success”?0

    • August 25, 2014

    Colorado isn’t the only state to release its annual test results lately. Here we touted the record-shattering ACT performance of Fort Collins charter Liberty Common High School. At the same time, we were disappointed to see a charter school network serving a higher-need student population falter somewhat but STRIVE to take responsibility and improve. Along […]

  • One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: A Setback for Choice in North Carolina0

    • August 22, 2014

    A lack of progress is always frustrating. I’ve been trying to convince my parents that broccoli is too dangerous to be trusted for months. But my struggles pale in comparison to the frustration that a large number of students and families in the Tar Heel State are facing after yesterday’s unfavorable ruling regarding school choice. […]