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  • Silly Season Won’t Last, So Find Out Candidate Stances on Key K-12 Issues0

    • October 22, 2014

    Oh, it’s the silliest, silliest season of the year. How do I know? My grandpa muttering under his breath when one more irritating political ad interrupts his otherwise enjoyable viewing of Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune. And the other night my mom crumpling up the latest campaign attack flier that came in our mailbox and […]

  • Serious Discussion: Common Core Missteps Demand a Smarter Response0

    • October 20, 2014

    I’ve discovered a new way to make myself the least popular kid on the playground or at a birthday party. All I have to do is just come running in and say with my outdoor voice, “Hey, who wants to have a serious discussion about Common Core?” Rolling eyes. Blank stares. Condescending sneers. Befuddled head-shaking. […]

  • New Florida Video Sounds the Call for Return of the School Choice Jedi0

    • October 16, 2014

    A little over a month ago I pointed out how the Empire is striking back through the courts against successful school choice programs that help students and satisfy parents. The main front in the attack is Florida, where the teachers union and school boards association have sued to stop issuing tax credits, a way of […]

  • Education Reform Times May Be A-Changin’, But Not for All0

    • October 9, 2014

    A long time ago, during an era known as “The Sixties,” there was a popular song called “The Times They Are a-Changin’”. Or so my Grandpa tells me. Apparently, it’s a sort of iconic piece about all the upheaval that was starting during this distant past. I have to say it’s a catchy tune, too. […]

  • Power to the Parents: Colorado Comes in 12th in CER Report0

    • October 3, 2014

    Today, the battle continues in Jeffco following the school board’s very reasonable vote on the curriculum review controversy. But we’ve talked about Jeffco a lot recently, so I think it’s time to look at something a little more uplifting. And what could be more uplifting than empowering K-12 parents to make good decisions about their children’s […]

  • School Choice Programs Save a Ton of Money: Where Could It All Go?0

    • October 1, 2014

    I talk to you a lot about how expanding access to more schools through choice programs could help Colorado Kids Win. But the truth is that these choice programs also have another benefit: they help save money for the states that adopt them. What does that mean? More dollars left over for each student who […]