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  • A Scholarship Tax Credit Program for Colorado

    A Scholarship Tax Credit Program for Colorado0

    • January 5, 2015

    Scholarship tax credits increase the opportunity for K-12 students to access non-public educational options. Such a tax code modification increases the incentive for persons and businesses to contribute funds to qualified non-profit scholarship granting organizations. In turn, the organizations use most of the incoming funds to assist low- and middle-income families with private school tuition expenses. Colorado policymakers should give careful consideration to providing many of the state’s families an important benefit through the adoption of scholarship tax credits.

  • Eddie’s Top Posts of 2014: Part Two0

    • December 31, 2014

    Yesterday, we embarked on a fun little tour of your favorite policy explorer’s best 2014 blog posts. Knowing that you’re still trying to work through all the holiday tryptophan, however, I limited myself to covering just the first half of the year. (Fun make-you-sound-smart-at-your-next-holiday-party factoid: The turkey-tryptophan thing is actually a myth.) As promised, we’ll […]

  • Eddie’s Top Posts of 2014: Part One0

    • December 30, 2014

    It’s hard to believe, but another long year of being age 5 is nearly past. January doesn’t seem that long ago, but here we are again, on the brink of new calendars and check-dating confusion. The year 2015 is just around the corner. But for now, it’s time for a little reflection on some of […]

  • Devil’s Advocate: The Power of K-12 Scholarships to Change Lives0

    • December 23, 2014

    Tune in to Devil’s Advocate with host Jon Caldara as he and Independence Institute Education Policy Center director Pam Benigno speak with Jamilla Dennis, a college student at Howard University whose life was forever changed by a scholarship from the Colorado-based Challenge Foundation. Jamilla offers a first-hand account of the powerful effect K-12 tuition scholarships can have on students’

  • Snow or Not, Let’s Keep Sharing School Choice Wishes for 2015 and Beyond0

    • December 22, 2014

    There’s no school right now, but plenty of holiday magic in the air. And so today I’m wishing for snow so my Dad can take me out on the sled. I guess if we went up into the mountains, there’d be plenty to come by. But around Eddie’s neighborhood, it’s just a little too warm […]

  • Taking a Look at This Year’s Colorado School Grades0

    • December 17, 2014

    December is an exciting month for me. For starters, I’ve got some cool presents coming my way next week. In the meantime, I’ve got plenty of fun education stuff to keep me busy. Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of highlighting some standouts among CDE’s annual award winners. This week, I have the honor […]