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  • Urban Charters Rock CREDO’s Newest Report0

    • March 26, 2015

    Earlier this week, we celebrated Alabama’s entry into the world of charters even as we mourned the death of the first stab at an ESA program here in Colorado. We can’t leave the school choice balance teetering between good and sad, though, so today I want to take a look at some awesome new research […]

  • RIP, C-FLEX? This Year Perhaps, But Bring Back the Debit Card ASAP0

    • March 24, 2015

    Yesterday I celebrated the fantastic news that Alabama has become the 43rd charter school state. In that post I noted that Alabama is behind the curve (and way behind Colorado) on public school choice, but beat us to the punch on scholarship tax credits. Still, as good as it is, welcoming new states into the […]

  • Alabama Joins the Charter Club0

    • March 23, 2015

    Not too long ago, I wrote about why I love it when school choice is talked about as a “movement.” Now, though, I realize I may have been wrong there. Instead, I think school choice should be talked about as a series of simultaneous movements that are linked by similar goals and values. The Colorado […]

  • Denver’s SchoolChoice Program Keeps Growing0

    • March 16, 2015

    I love when people talk about school choice as a “movement.” The word just does such a good job of conveying a sense of momentum and highlighting the fact that an increasing number of families are looking for more options for their kids. A Chalkbeat story illustrated that kind of momentum this morning, reporting that […]

  • Myth-Buster Marcus Winter Blows Up Anti-Charter Talking Points… Again0

    • March 12, 2015

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock for longer than I’ve been alive, then most likely you’ve heard of the show MythBusters. As the name would imply, the show’s hosts are out to disprove some commonly held misperceptions. What’s really cool is sometimes these guys get to crash things and blow up stuff to help […]

  • Necessary Infrastructure or Technocratic Tinkering?0

    • March 11, 2015

    If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that debates between national education experts are good things. They are almost always interesting, often helpful, and unfailingly entertaining for little policy geeks like myself. Maybe that’s why I was so excited to see two of my favorites, Andy Smarick from Bellweather Education Partners and Jason […]