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  • Little Eddie Digs Out After the 2015 Legislative Session0

    • May 12, 2015

    The 2015 legislative session ended last week, and I have no doubt you are all eagerly awaiting a report on the progress made—or lack thereof. Luckily for you, I have been diligently digging through the aftermath of the 2015’s education battles just as I help dad shovel snow after a big storm. With a whopping […]

  • Colorado, Time to Observe National Charter Schools Week Eddie-Style0

    • May 8, 2015

    It’s a little bittersweet writing near the end of National Charter Schools Week, a couple short days after Colorado’s legislative session concluded with very little progress made on behalf of choice and fair funding. (Nor does all the wet, gray, gloomy weather help, either!) Looking back, though, the week kicked off with a great Watchdog […]

  • NEA President Reminds Us That Education Policy Belongs in Legislatures, Not Courts0

    • May 1, 2015

    I don’t want to write about the teachers union today. I already did that this week, and it resulted in a whole bunch of grownups calling me and my friend Ross Izard ugly names. When I told Ross, he just laughed and said “If you’re catching flak, you’re over the target.” I don’t really know […]

  • Due to Choice Fight, Florida Adds School Board Member Choice: What Next?0

    • April 20, 2015

    If I had a nickel for every time the word choice was used on this blog, my college fund would be well on its way. (Of course, it’s not clear when or how a perpetual 5-year-old pursues postsecondary education, but that’s a conundrum to unpack on another day.) Well, it’s about time to make a […]

  • New CBTA Report on School Choice Smells Like Bologna0

    • April 17, 2015

    The last few Fridays have been absolutely lovely. They were sunny, warm, and filled with delicious new stops on the school choice train. Today is different. It’s cold, rainy, and all around a little icky outside. If I were older and knew what the word “foreshadow” meant, I might say that I should have expected […]

  • Little Eddie’s Wednesday Triple Play: Dougco, School Choice, and Accountability0

    • April 15, 2015

    I feel like we have few distinct tracks here on Little Eddie’s edu-blog. We often talk about Jeffco and its ongoing struggles, I always love to talk about school choice in any form, and I’ve been known to get into financial issues from time to time. But what happens if—don’t freak out me here—what happens […]