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  • Amy Oliver Show: School Choice Week Celebrates Colorado Options0

    • January 30, 2013

    Education Policy Center director Pam Benigno highlights local School Choice Week events and shares how Colorado parents can take responsibility and learn about their educational options. Colorado has a legacy of public school choice through open enrollment, a process through which the Independence Institute’s School Choice for Kids website can help guide parents.

  • Amy Oliver Show: School Choice Week Celebrates Teacher Options0

    • January 22, 2013

    The Professional Association of Colorado Educators’ Tim Farmer discusses how school choice can benefit teachers, along with new legislation (Senate Bill 017) that would allow teachers to opt out of unions and other membership organizations when they see fit.

  • Amy Oliver Show: Petitioning for Transparency in Thompson0

    • January 9, 2013

    Guest host Ben DeGrow talks with Loveland’s Nancy Rumfelt, citizen director of Liberty Watch. Rumfelt explains the petition she is circulating for the Thompson School District to operate more transparently and to stop underwriting union activities—common problems in Colorado.

  • Amy Oliver Show: Colorado School Grades Keeps Tabs on School Performance0

    • January 3, 2013

    Scott Laband of Colorado Succeeds explains how the Colorado School Grades website provides users a clear picture of school performance. With the site’s recent update based on new testing data, parents can see how their child’s current school is doing or look for new options during upcoming open enrollment periods in many Colorado school districts.

  • Amy Oliver Show: Ending the Education Plantation0

    • December 19, 2012

    Senior education policy analyst Ben DeGrow guest hosts a conversation with John Conlin, founder and CEO of the new group End the Education Plantation. Conlin looks to lead a grassroots movement toward changing the K-12 system and empowering parents through Education Freedom Accounts.

  • Amy Oliver Show: Common Core Concerns Resurface in Colorado0

    • December 5, 2012

    Former assistant education secretary Bill Evers explains why he continues to resist the strong push for Common Core national education standards. The quality of standards and questions about federal influence of classroom curricula have fueled pushback in several states. Though the Common Core was adopted here two years ago, Colorado may be next, as the State Board of Education has sought input from national experts.