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  • An honest education in 'professional pay'0

    • July 30, 2007

    The Colorado Education Association recently unveiled a campaign under the alliterative slogan “Professional Pay.” The plan calls for a $40,000 salary for every new Colorado teacher by 2011. School districts in Aspen and Westminster already have acceded to the demand.

  • Defenders of Fuzzy Math Do Students a Disservice0

    • June 6, 2007

    It’s déjà vu all over again. Is Colorado public education in the Twilight Zone? Is Bill Murray going to show up at the Capitol, reliving a mathematical “Groundhog Day”? That’s how I feel after reviewing this year’s CSAP math scores.

  • Public shouldn't fund teachers' union activities0

    • May 31, 2007

    Recent revelations surrounding the alleged misuse of public school funds by a union leader shed light on a deeper problem. School officials should not release control of taxpayer funds to a private organization.