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  • Amy Oliver Show: School Finance Report Light on Details0

    • August 8, 2012

    Senior education policy analyst Ben DeGrow explains his disappointment with a report that is short on details from the education establishment on how to reform Colorado’s School Finance Act.

  • Colorado K-12 Education Spending0

    • July 18, 2012

    We’ve heard the narrative a million times before: Colorado just doesn’t spend enough on our children’s education. We are always ranked near the bottom on spending lists. But is this true? Senior policy analyst Ben DeGrow looks at the spending data over the last 10 years and discovers that Colorado has increased real dollars on every single measure of school revenue and spending over that time period.

  • DeGrow Questions Proposed Denver Education Tax Hike on 9News0

    • June 20, 2012

    Denver 9News education reporter Nelson Garcia recorded comment from senior education policy analyst Ben DeGrow in a story about Denver Public Schools’ consideration of placing a combined $500 million property tax increase on this fall’s ballot for voters to decide.

  • Blended Learning Funding Report Featured in School Reform News0

    • June 6, 2012

    A School Reform News story by Heritage Foundation education policy analyst highlighted the Education Policy Center’s new issue paper on modifying Colorado’s K-12 funding system to support more blended learning options. The report’s author was prominently quoted in the story: “Different students have different goals and motivations, and excel or need extra help in different

  • Devil’s Advocate: What is Blended Learning?0

    • June 4, 2012

    Tune in to Devil’s Advocate as host Jon Caldara is joined by Colorado Department of Education Assistant Commissioner Amy Anderson and Independence Institute senior policy analyst Ben DeGrow to discuss policy changes Colorado needs to make so students can have greater access to quality online course options and other customized learning opportunities. A growing number of “blended learning” models bring the traditional classroom and digital technology together in productive ways.

  • Let Money Follow Students to the Course Level0

    • May 24, 2012

    Senior education policy analyst Ben DeGrow explains the themes and proposals in his new report Online Course-Level Funding. He and Education Policy Center director Pam Benigno discuss how Colorado’s current school finance system is a hindrance to customized student learning options made possible by digital technology, and what specific policy changes need to be made.