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  • Don’t Ask to “Show Me” Why K-12 Education Needs Differential Teacher Pay0

    • November 1, 2012

    If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you probably are well aware of the numerous flaws in the way our K-12 education system pays teachers. Most of the flaws emanate from the single salary schedule, which the vast majority of school districts use. Pay is differentiated almost exclusively by seniority and academic […]

  • A Better Approach to K-12 Budget Issues: Don’t Yell at TABOR, Fix PERA0

    • October 31, 2012

    I may risk inducing a heart attack or two with two straight days of spooky posts. But yesterday I produced some school funding data to debunk the idea that Colorado’s Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR) is the cause of apparent “devastation” for school budgets. Today I want to introduce a too-often overlooked factor into the […]

  • TABOR Looks Less Spooky Next to Colorado School Finance Data0

    • October 30, 2012

    With spooky Halloween almost upon us, it’s probably not terribly surprising to witness the one-sided horrible picture of TABOR painted in yesterday’s Colorado Springs Gazette (H/T Complete Colorado). Under the headline, “TABOR has decimated education, critics say,” we are given such insights as the following:

    “It’s been devastating,” said Gustafson, Colorado Springs School District 11’s chief […]

  • Colorado Teachers Unions Number One in Political Giving to State Candidates0

    • October 29, 2012

    Halloween is this week, which means it’s almost time for little old me to don the green paint and flex my growing muscles as the Incredible Hulk. (I can hear some of those murmurs out there: “Yeah, incredible is right!”) All right, so maybe just because I put on the costume and go door to […]

  • Colorado Initiative’s Early Success Raises the Math and Science Bar (Gulp)0

    • October 26, 2012

    I occasionally get accused of being some kind of verbal prodigy. Less often do I get asked about my math and science skills. And frankly, it’s fine with me not to go there. But I get the scope of the problem associated with not enough students qualified and ready for careers in science, math and […]

  • Teachers Union Offices Need to Improve Information on Member Political Dues0

    • October 25, 2012

    What happens when local Colorado teachers union offices take phone calls wanting to know how member dues are spent on political campaigns? Read and watch the results, which show the need to improve customer service. CEA can do better providing teachers complete and accurate information about how the union spends money on politics, as well as the Every Member Option (EMO) refund.