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  • Appeals Court Weighs Dougco Choice Program: Will Families Be Able to Give Thanks?0

    • November 20, 2012

    On November 19, the Colorado Court of Appeals heard arguments in the case of Larue v Colo State Board of Education. At issue is the Douglas County Choice Scholarship Program, unanimously adopted by the school board in March 2011, which allowed up to 500 students greater access to private education options. Cautious optimism awaits a decision coming in “due course,” probably in early 2013.

  • Families Watch as Dougco Choice Program Comes Before Appeals Court Today0

    • November 19, 2012

    I’m on pins and needles today. Not because all the turkey and football is only three days away, but because this afternoon is an important hearing that could affect the future of school choice in our state. The Colorado Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments concerning the Douglas County Choice Scholarship Program and the […]

  • Colorado TBD and School Finance Partnership Stars Aligning: Coincidence?0

    • November 15, 2012

    Sometimes the stars seem to align, and you have to wonder who is manipulating the telescope. I haven’t gotten into astronomy — at least not yet. But what I’m talking about really isn’t about astronomy. It’s about politics, and giving money to education bureaucrats. A metaphor, as it were.
    Today, Ed News Colorado reports that Governor […]