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  • Video Begs Question: What Would Union Leaders Like Tax Hike to Pay For?0

    • January 10, 2013

    A couple days ago I brought to your attention the looming heartburn the Colorado legislative session portends for those who support parental choice, school accountability, and the transparent, effective use of tax dollars in K-12 education. If you want to keep tabs on your needed antacid intake by checking the status of introduced legislation, you […]

  • Teacher Evaluation Debate Kicked Up by Gates Project Hits Colorado0

    • January 9, 2013

    If a person asked why he is doing something gives the response, “Because everyone else is doing it,” that usually won’t pass muster. If that person happens to be 5 years old, even if an accomplished blogging prodigy, you’d cut them a little slack… right? Today, it seems like everyone out there has something to […]

  • Looming Legislative Session Evokes More Heartburn than Hope for K-12 Issues0

    • January 8, 2013

    Run for cover, and hold onto your wallets! The first session of the 69th Colorado General Assembly is underway. While school finance reform (and an accompanying tax increase referral) stands at the head of the line, a slew of other K-12 issues can be expected to receive consideration — everything from teacher licensure to collective bargaining and a number of bureaucratic regulations. Supporters of school choice and reform ought to buckle up for a bumpy ride!

  • Top 10? Yes, But ‘C’ for Colorado on Students First Policy Report Card0

    • January 7, 2013

    Not too long ago I was telling you about new information out grading Colorado schools’ performance. But how is Colorado doing in applying policies that promote an excellent, equitable and efficient education system? Today the national group Students First released its first-ever State Policy Report Cards.
    How did Colorado do? Depends how you look at it. […]

  • Can We Get a Truly Comparable Picture of State Graduation Rates?0

    • January 4, 2013

    A Friday quickie for readers to chew on. Back in late November, the U.S. Department of Education released the first-ever data where we could truly compare the rates at which students in different states are graduating high school on time. Unfortunately, Colorado’s 74 percent graduation rate put us in the bottom third.
    But now that we […]

  • PBS Features Rocketship Education Charter Expansion, Continuing Innovation0

    • January 3, 2013

    “Nobody has figured out how to mass produce high-quality, cost-effective schools,” PBS correspondent John Merrow explained on a televised feature last week about the successful Rocketship Education public charter school network. Thanks to Joanne Jacobs for bringing to my attention the interesting 9-minute video about how to replicate an innovative and successful education model:

    The piece […]