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  • DougCo Board Opponents’ “Crazy” Real Estate Rumor Debunked By Facts0

    • February 12, 2013

    These are momentous days in Douglas County, Colorado. A 60,000-student school district charting new horizons for parental choice and academic excellence through cutting-edge, performance-based systems? An organized labor interest group frustrated at being stripped of monopoly power? Yes and yes. A lot of eyes are watching what unfolds in the growing suburbs south of Denver. […]

  • Rick Hess Slam Dunks for Colorado with Call for Cage-Busting Can-Do0

    • February 11, 2013

    Local education leaders want to transform a rigid, bureaucratic system — re-imagining the delivery of instruction, giving more freedom, flexibility, and accountability to teachers and principals at the school level. But then some interest groups or just plain old naysayers come along to protest, saying “We’ve never done it that way before.” Or maybe a […]

  • Substitute Teacher Policies? No One Else Could Cover It Quite the Same0

    • February 8, 2013

    Truth be told, I tried to find someone else to fill in and do the blogging for me today — a substitute, if you will. It’s Friday, one of the more common days for teachers to get a classroom substitute, at least according to a Harvard study cited in a new Education Week piece by […]

  • Digital Learning Day Could Help Propel Colorado to Student Course Choice0

    • February 6, 2013

    Believe it or not, Digital Learning Day is upon us again. A day to celebrate Colorado blended learning innovations like Rocky Mountain Prep and to look forward to more options in the future. Not just “school choice,” but “course choice.” Colorado leaders have a policy road map to follow that can help generate such an effective liberating change for students. Will we make progress in 2013?

  • Rhee’s “Radical” Book Sparks Renewed Interest in Her Support of Choice0

    • February 5, 2013

    You can forgive a blogger if once in awhile he decides to rehash a little old news, can’t you? Especially if he’s a cute little kid like yours truly? Anyway, long-time readers may be aware of my longtime edu-crush on former DC Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee. You also may recall how excited I was to […]

  • New AAE Member Survey Shows More Teachers Embrace Education Options0

    • February 4, 2013

    It wasn’t so long ago I pointed you to the results of an Association of American Educators (AAE) member survey to drive home the point that teacher opinion is far from monolithic. Well, the good folks at AAE have done it again, releasing a snapshot of members’ perspectives on a number of school reform issues. […]