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  • Heartbroken by Choice Bill Defeats, Hoping for Some Scholarship Tax Credit Love0

    • February 15, 2013

    It was heartbreaking to see the death of a couple more Colorado bills that would have expanded choices for parents and opportunities for students. But we would love to see leaders embrace scholarship tax credits, for all the benefits they have been shown to bring in other states. Those benefits Colorado might enjoy include improved achievement, satisfied parents, and tax dollar savings.

  • Research Ought to Give Second Thoughts about Government Preschool Programming0

    • February 14, 2013

    It’s been almost two years since I last brought your attention to the overwhelming research findings that the nearly-50-year-old Head Start program has not made a real difference in education outcomes. But a new Wall Street Journal story by Stephanie Banchero points out that some federal officials appear intent on doubling down. In an article […]

  • Use Real School Funding Facts and Tell the Story that Empowers Families0

    • February 13, 2013

    A few weeks ago an article by the I-News Network (“an independent, nonprofit journalism project that creates long-form investigative reports, in partnership with major daily newspapers and has recently accepted significant funding from wealthy Democrat activist Tim Gill”) portrayed Colorado minorities as victims of inadequate tax funding of education: Regardless of which way the causal […]