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  • Transparency in DougCo School District: Toward a Happy Ending to the Story0

    • March 18, 2013

    Update, 3/25: Happy endings don’t usually come so quickly. But just one week later, Dougco has made and received confirmation on a number of online transparency improvements to now receive an A-minus grade. If you’ve followed little old Eddie for any length of time, you know I’m a fan of the following two things: open […]

  • Court Upholds Teacher Removal: Adams 12 Board Vindicated, Taxpayers Pay0

    • March 15, 2013

    When Colorado and other states pass education reform laws, it’s important to pay attention to what problems are solved and what problems are not. As an example, Colorado’s SB 191, which passed three whole years ago, made some important changes. Effective teacher evaluations soon will be required before earning extra “due process” job protections. How […]

  • Court Upholds School Choice: Alabama Kids Win, Now Why Not Colorado, Too?0

    • March 14, 2013

    A little over a week ago I told you about the brilliant blindside hit for Alabama kids in failing schools and other school choice supporters. Not only did they sack the quarterback for a loss, but the reform team defense forced a fumble and returned it for a touchdown! Well, the coaches for the education […]

  • A Colorado Digital BOCES? Leave the Creative Ideas to Innovative Falcon 490

    • March 13, 2013

    Intriguing. The Colorado Springs Gazette today reports that some of the region’s leading education innovators have proposed a new idea to provide specialized oversight and support to online learning programs: The Falcon School District 49 school board is expected to vote Thursday on a proposal that would create a collaborative education organization that could charter […]

  • Colorado House Bill 1257 and the Quest to Stifle Local Education Innovation0

    • March 11, 2013

    Every once in awhile you see a piece of K-12 education legislation appear, and you just scratch your head. (Okay, really, it’s more often than every once in awhile.) Colorado’s latest example is the short and sour House Bill 1257, which I think should be called the Stifling Innovation Act of 2013. HB 1257 as […]

  • Lobato Case Returns: We Need School Finance Reform, Not Constitutional Crisis0

    • March 8, 2013

    Yesterday, some attorneys got up and argued an important case affecting K-12 education before the Colorado Supreme Court. The hearing was about an appeal of the Denver district court’s Lobato decision, previously referred to by the Denver Post as the “Super Bowl of school funding litigation.” Judge Sheila Rappaport granted judgment for the plaintiffs, contending […]