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  • Hey, Colorado: Billion Dollar K-12 Tax Hike OR End the Education Plantation?0

    • April 15, 2013

    Often it’s very easy to get bogged down in a big education policy debate like Colorado’s SB 213 school finance reform proposal. Then along comes a Denver Post op-ed piece by a motivated citizen that exhales a breath of fresh air: Colorado currently spends about $10,600 per student per year on K-12 education. You can […]

  • Scholarship Tax Credits Could Help Denver, Aurora HS Students Overcome Challenges0

    • April 12, 2013

    For those who long have rolled up their sleeves to try to improve student learning, the cause of urban high school reform remains one of the most daunting tasks. Even in areas where the most concentrated and sustained efforts at reform have taken place, the promising results have been very limited. Enter a brand new […]

  • Adams 12 School Board Steps into the Light, Calls Union Leaders’ Bluff0

    • April 12, 2013

    In response to the Adams 12 school board asking all employees to share a little more in paying for their pension contributions, teachers union leaders have organized protests and worked with a local TV news reporter to trump up phony, easily debunked charges. To help clear the air the board has asked to open bargaining negotiations to public view, but union leaders say they aren’t interested.