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  • Ex-Education Secretary William Bennett Visits Dougco, “Very Impressed”0

    • April 30, 2013

    Colorado’s non-union teacher group PACE today posted some more of the results from their recent member survey. Roughly 3 out of every 4 expressed support for “a pathway for career advancement outside of the traditional, seniority-based salary schedule,” often known as a career ladder. One of their members hit the nail on the head: A […]

  • Three Decades After “A Nation at Risk,” Incredible Theories Live On: Who Knew?0

    • April 29, 2013

    Talk about ancient history for a kid like me. On Friday the Fordham Foundation and American Enterprise Institute commemorated the 30th anniversary of the landmark A Nation at Risk education report with this 23-minute video documentary: It may be a lot to take in for those with shorter attention spans (wait, is that a squirrel??), […]

  • Adams 12 Negotiations Reconsider Tax-Funded Teachers Union Release Time0

    • April 25, 2013

    Interesting news this week out of Phoenix, Arizona, where a judge ruled it unconstitutional for taxpayers to fund police union “release time” activities, and put an injunction on the practice. We’re talking about two different states, and two different sectors of government, but one has to wonder whether a similar case could be made about […]

  • Don’t Punish Students in American Indian Charter Success Story for Controversy0

    • April 24, 2013

    A sad education story is emerging from Oakland, California. Poor kids soon could be deprived of the option of attending the city’s top-performing high school and producing some of the best results nationwide. Why? Because a state audit found financial mismanagement by Ben Chavis, charismatic leader of the successful American Indian Charter, and lack of […]

  • A Different Way to Look at Coloradans’ Financial Contributions to K-12 Education0

    • April 23, 2013

    Writing over at Hot Air, Mike Antonucci came up with some new ways to measure how much is spent annually on public education. He digs into the data from 2010 to make some interesting calculations at a national level. Well, using the help of my Education Policy Center friends, here are comparable numbers for Colorado, […]

  • New Hampshire School Choice Defensive Victory Brightens Hopes for Colorado0

    • April 22, 2013

    Parent educational power has made some great strides in a number of states in recent years, prompting not only 2011′s aptly-named “Year of School Choice” but also the rapidly-growing National School Choice Week phenomenon. That doesn’t mean we can rest on our laurels nor expect opponents to sit back and do nothing. We’ve seen the […]