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  • Better Than Dusty Old History: Learn How Colorado Got Its Charter School Law!0

    • June 5, 2013

    Just a short one today. Because it all has to do with things that happened in the way-back long ago dark ages of 1993 (before my time), I defer to my Education Policy Center friends. What better place to start than today’s Denver Post column by Vincent Carroll, who writes about when the good guys […]

  • Discrepancies from Dougco Beg Question: How Many Union Members Remain?0

    • June 4, 2013

    Douglas County School District continues to move forward with major system changes that recognize and reward performance in meaningful ways. And the press continues to pump up the controversy while leaving factual disputes unresolved. Today’s Denver Post turns attention to a DCSD elementary school where a principal misapplied the new employee evaluation standards, creating a […]

  • Disgruntled Union Claims about Dougco Innovation Add Up to Politics, Not Truth0

    • May 31, 2013

    It’s Friday! Which means it must be time to provide some more clarity on the bold innovations taking place in Douglas County. Today provides a great opportunity to highlight a fairly balanced 9News story, making sure to emphasize and elaborate on some key points and add one or two others that may have been left […]

  • Identifying the Good Kind of Disruption in (Colorado) Blended Learning Innovation0

    • May 30, 2013

    When is it okay to be disruptive in class? Most teachers rightly would frown on the idea of little whelps like me acting out or speaking out of turn when a lecture or other class instructional activity is taking place. But disruptive innovation via the blended learning strategy is an entirely different matter. I’m talking […]

  • Ray of Hope for True School Finance Reform in Post-Lobato Lawsuit Landscape0

    • May 29, 2013

    Understandably, some emotions have run high in the wake of the 8-year Lobato school funding case shot down by the Colorado Supreme Court. Taxpayers can be thankful that judicial sanity prevailed and a constitutional crisis was avoided, though, as the moment finally has come to look forward. Some say we need a billion-dollar education tax increase, but given a careful look at the funding facts, it’s time instead to take on the cause of real school finance reform.

  • Scholarship Tax Credits Gain in Popularity? Sounds Like a Win-Win-Win for Colorado0

    • May 28, 2013

    You may have heard old adages like “Absence makes the heart grow fonder” and “Familiarity breeds contempt.” Well, here comes the young whippersnapper again, questioning longstanding wisdom. When it comes to tax credits for private school choice, I have to say the old adages just don’t work. So the Cato Institute’s Jason Bedrick points out […]